Monday, October 13, 2008

Spicy Soupy Noodles

I would like to think this is one of the best soupy noodles I have made. Usually when I cook, it starts with a craving - an end product that I want to taste. This particular time I was wanting sometime spicy and pungent. My usual soups are more bland, the flavouring coming from the vegetables. This time I ground some dried chilli and garlic together and used it as the base. You can see the flakes of chilli in the soup. It was really delicious! 

I don't know what they call these noodles, but I was looking for something like wanton noodles and I realised they all contain egg! Argh! Fortunately, I found these noodles, but it is quite pricy. Well, if this is the price I have to pay to be vegetarian, I will gladly do so!

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